Our Vision
We Are:
(1). A powerful force in the Earth realm.
(2). God’s heart and hand providing medical, surgical and psychiatric care for the abandoned, lost, ill, injured and pregnant, as well as disorders of the mind and emotions on an inpatient, outpatient and emergency care basis.
(3). A refuge for tired strangers, guests and travelers, who are only with us for a short time.
(4). A battleship with the biggest guns and the most powerful armor waging war against the powers of darkness, evil, ignorance and unelightenment.
(5). The five-fold hand of God closed tightly into a fist to smash, crack, crush and shatter, via the anointing, all opposition to God’s advancing army. We provide air, land and sea coverage.
(6). A gymnasium, building up, equipping, strengthening for physical training and athletic competition those ready for hand-to-hand combat and special forces.
(7). A school, an institute for teaching and learning about our God, His Kingdom, His Word, His will and His ways. We provide instructions, situations, circumstances and experiences through which people gain knowledge, training, discipline and control in order to be successful in life. For those who will not learn in a formal setting, we also provide the School of Hard Knocks, a longer, more difficult curriculum, but highly effective. One way or another, each pupil will graduate.
(8). The City of God, the arm of God, the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, a Kingdom within a kingdom. The Body in the earth-realm: His Head in the heavenlies.
(9). Chosen, set apart and anointed for this time in history. Our influence is both seen and unseen. It will not be until we get to heaven that we will discover how far-reaching our influence is in affecting the character, nature, behavior, development, actions and thoughts of others.
(7). A school, an institute for teaching and learning about our God, His Kingdom, His Word, His will and His ways. We provide instructions, situations, circumstances and experiences through which people gain knowledge, training, discipline and control in order to be successful in life. For those who will not learn in a formal setting, we also provide the School of Hard Knocks, a longer, more difficult curriculum, but highly effective. One way or another, each pupil will graduate.
We Are Prepared To:
(1). Grow from babes, to children, to sons of God.
(2). Advance from pre-school through college and to graduation.
(3). Travel from Egypt, through the wilderness, into the promises of God.
(4). Grow from the seed, to the ear, to the full harvest.
(5). Go from 30 to 60 fold blessings. It is our time of 100 fold blessings.
(6). Move from the good to the acceptable to the perfect will of God.
(7). Progress from the outer court, to the inner court, to the most holy place.
(8). Welcome the arrival of our Husband — Captain — King.
(9). Embrace our destiny, which determines our thoughts, words, deeds, and motives.
(10). Combat gloom, hopelessness, despair, anger, melancholy, and the sinister forces behind the life of mankind with our prayer, praise, fasting and the proclamation of God’s eternal Word.
(11). Speak to the dead bones of our society and bring forth life: speak into darkness and bright light,
(12). Set our sights on moving into our communities, and bringing into this house a harvest of souls. “EACH ONE BRING ONE” will be our theme.
(13). Accept the coming year as a year (not a season) of increase. (He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying).
(14). Accept that there will be casualties, as always in a battle.
(15). Allow God to move us forward into His special purpose for this generation, for this time.
Apostle Joseph L. Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries, Int’l.
End-Times Ministries, Int’l.
1937 – 2005
Apostle Beatrice M. Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries
Pastors Duane & Belita Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries