Our Church Hours: Tues-Fri 9:00 am – 3:00 pm  –  Church Service: 10:45 am


Mission Statement

Mission Statement

To make disciples by the teaching of the Word, nurturing of the believer and training for the work of the ministry. To encourage each believer to develop a prayer ministry privately and to faithfully participate in congregational intercessory prayer.

Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose

To win souls to the Kingdom of God. To be a teaching institute for every aspect of life, especially to teach Christians to live victoriously. To be a House of Prayer, for this congregation, our city, state, nation and for all the nations and churches of the wordl.

Vision Statement

Vision Statement

Here at Riverside Faith Temple it is our vision to see every soul, healed, healthy, blessed and prosperous. And it is our desire to serve to that end.

Prayer Declaration

RFT - Prayer Declaration

Our families are blessed! Because we are the seed of Abraham, by faith we receive the blessing of Abraham and by faith we bless the families upon the earth. Father, bless every nations Your glory fills the earth.

Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. Therefore, all are in need of salvation. The will of God is that everyone accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and thereby be cleansed of sin.

Community Garden

Riverside Faith Temple Ministries, Community Garden located at 2355 Pennsylvania Avenue, Riverside, California.