Mission Statement
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries, Int’l. has been called to proclaim the gospel ministry for the whole man. This includes the development of man spiritually, physically, mentally, economically and socially. Therefore, God has raised this ministry.
(1). To proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and encourage them to identify with the body through the local assembly.
(2). To make disciples by the teaching of the Word, nurturing of the believer and training for the work of the ministry.
(3). To encourage each believer to develop a prayer ministry privately and to faithfully participate in congregational intercessory prayer.
(4). To help each disciple develop in his ministry gift, the spirit manifestation gifts and assimilate that person in the body.
(5). To demonstrate Christ through our service to the community and support of mission to the world.
(6). To promote both Christian and Secular Education for the mental (soulish) development of our children.
(7). To create an atmosphere for worship to the glory of God which includes praise, the Word, singing and giving.
(8). To promote fellowship among the believers through small groups.
(9). To encourage families to worship together in the spirit of unity, faith, love and power so that Satan can not divide them.
(10). To teach the Word of Faith which prepares one for eternal life, but also equips one to live the abundant life.
(11). To call, train, and develop people for multiple-staff ministry or to be sent out as Ambassadors for Christ.

Apostle Joseph L. Sims
Founder & Co-Founder
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries
1937 – 2005

Apostle Beatrice M. Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries

Pastors Duane & Belita Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries