Statement of Purpose
We the members of Riverside Faith Temple, realize that we are highly called of God, to worship Him and love Him with all of our hearts: to enjoy Him and to appreciate the people that He has placed in our lives.
Our Purpose Is:
(1). To win souls to the Kingdom of God.
(2). To be genuinely concerned about the souls that we come in contact with on a daily basis, and to do all that is in our power to reconcile them to their heavenly Father.
(3). To be a teaching institute for every aspect of life, especially to teach Christians to live victoriously.
(4). To be a House of Prayer, for this congregation, our city, state, nation and for all the nations and churches of the world.
(5). To be a place of intercession.
(6). To support the vision of this house responsibly with our tithes, offerings, attendance, and with our gifts, talents and skills.
(7). To dwell together in unity, so that the anointing of God will flow freely in and through our lives, and into the rest of the world.
Apostle Beatrice Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries
Pastor Duane & Belita Sims
Riverside Faith Temple Ministries