Through The Bible Series
Thru the Bible Series class takes the student through the entire Bible in over 4 years, going back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. There is no substitute for a study of God’s Word to make one well oriented in the adventure of life!
Fundamental Foundation
Every building needs a strong foundation. The most impressive buildings will collapse without it. This class will prepare you for all of life’s trials and tribulations that you might be a man or woman of great spiritual and moral strength.
New Members
This class will help you understand what is expected of you, as a member of Riverside Faith Temple Ministries. If we understand and accept the rules of conduct, we will be an encouragement to one another and not a stumbling block.
The ministry of a prophet. This class will enable you to function as a prophet of God. No gift is more needed in today’s world, and it may be that no gift has been more abused. In this class you will learn to accurately hear and relay the Word that God has placed within you. A prophet must be of unimpeachable character and integrity. To speak for God they must hear His voice clearly, speaking a sure word, uncolored by the cares of life.
Discipleship I
There are important attitudes and outlooks one must have to succeed in Christ. A disciple is more than merely ‘born again,’ but bears a responsibility of service to his Lord. You will learn the value of obedience and dedication to God as well as the joys of service to Him. You will also learn to recognize the tricks of our great enemy and those who serve him.
Discipleship II
In this class, we learn of our responsibilities toward the local church and of that church’s responsibility to the local community. Our stewardship requires that we repay some of the grace God has bestowed upon us by offering that grace toward others. We must remember from where He has bought us and assist those less fortunate to obtain His grace for themselves.
Discipleship III
“Taking off the Mask” – Facing God and man honestly without falsehood. Recreating yourself through the Word of God as a complete individual, submitted to His Word both in thought and deed.
Vacation Bible Study
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The God Chaser
We’ve come a long way from the day when two loving parents were the norm. What hasn’t changed though, is God’s command that we, as men, rule our homes well. Regardless of how much we received at home or how little, our responsibilities in Christ remain the same. This class addresses those responsibilities with powerful, Biblically based teaching and strong male fellowship. It’s a fun but serious look at our position in Christ. Come and be blessed.
High School
In this class, we learn of our responsibilities toward the local church and of that church’s responsibility to the local community. Our stewardship requires that we repay some of the grace God has bestowed upon us by offering that grace toward others. We must remember from where He has bought us and assist those less fortunate to obtain His grace for themselves.
Shakers & Movers
“Taking off the Mask” – Facing God and man honestly without falsehood. Recreating yourself through the Word of God as a complete individual, submitted to His Word both in thought and deed.
Renewing Your Mind
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shall make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success” (Joshua 1:8).